Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bio Entrepreneurs

In China there is a compony called Sunhy Biology Company. They are well known for selling modern bio technology stuff including:

  • enzyme

  • phytase

  • chemical

  • veterinary

  • antibiodics

  • premix

  • acidifer

  • choline

  • chloride

  • vitmin C

  • ferrous fumarate

I believe that this company will be successful because of all the products they sell and how they are trusted by many people.

Eye Lecture

We had a guest lecture named Dr. Pamela Fong where she taught us the eye anatomy.

the basic anatomy of the eyes is...

  • iris- the colored part of the eye

  • pupil- controls how much light enters the eyeball

  • cornea- focuses the eyes

  • lens- focus light onto the back of the eye

  • retina- a fine line of tissue that lines the inner part of the eye

  • optic nerve- transmits impulses from the retina to the brain
Dr. Fong also told us facts about the eye usual people do not know.
  • You are able to tell if a person has high cholesterol or blood pressure
  • people with different color eyes have different retinas
  • everyones eyes differ

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Animals stuck in time.

Recently, William Roberts and his colleagues from Western's Pychology Department studied the research of animals being able to tell how much time has past but not able to recognize past or future. The idea to study this came from realzing that dog owners notice that their dog seems very happy seeing them as five minutes away to five hours. The animal they used to do research was a rat. Once studying the rats the scientists realized rats were able to keep track of how much time passed since they were fed cheese as well as the size but were unable to place the memory in a time.

I think that that is just weird. I never really thought of an animal having a different mind then how a human has one.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Guest Speaker

On January 24, 2007 we had a guest speaker come into our class and talk about evolution as well as Darwins theorys.

She questioned if Darwins theory was correct or incorrect but truthfully all the evidence it too overwhelming.

The following evidence for evolution is:
Comparitive Anatomy
Molecular Bio
Fossil Record
Developmental Bio

Biogeography: the distribution of plants and animals where they are located and placed in the world.

Comparitive Anatomy: Common ancestory

Molecular: Human [homo][46 chromosomes], Chimpanzee [Pan][48 Chromosomes], Gorilla [Gorilla] [48 Chromosomes], and Orangutan [Pogo] [48 chromosomes]

Developmental: Often find the same gene in different animals. Lots of documentation.

Fossil Record: Shows the changes over time and what came first and so forth.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Domain: Eukarya

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Insecta

Order: Hymenoptera

There are around 400 different species of the bumblebee including bumblebees, Stingless bees, and honey bees.
The importance of bees is for cross-pollination and many plants are depndnt on the bees to help it reproduce; for example the red clover or orchirds.
Bees are described by their enlarged hind feet which are usually equipped with pollen baskets of stiff hairs for gathering pollen. Bees feed by pollen and nector which is converted into honey.
Solitary bees are reffered as a carpenter, plasterer, leaf-cutting, burrowing, or mason bees because of the material or method the bees use to construct nests for their young.