Thursday, December 13, 2007

Marine Bio

It is predicted that over the next 70-100 years that sea temperatures will change 3 degrees C. Researchers have tried to understand how Global warming will change the fish species near Denmark. While doing so researchers have found a total of 180,000 fish bones. Most of these fish bones were Anchovey and Black Sea Breem. They noticed that the species decreased when temperatures have lowered and that the species has reappeared now that the temperature has risen a little bit. This has become a shock because this changes the life expectancy of the Cod Fish. It has been shown that their species has been decressing more. I think that this is shocking becuase it doesn't seem like old fish bones would do anything. What i also don't get is how can a species that has died over time reappear? it just seems weird.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Recently Cornell Archaeologists have been studying old tree rings and Ancient wood. The scientists are using dendrochronology to examine the trees. Dendrochronology happens to be the study of comparing growth patterns in the tree trunks to date past events or climate changes. Cornell's lab holds more than 40,000 tree trunk samples.I find it so interesting because it goes further in science with dating what has happened and where. For example, they can precisely date Hammurabi, when Santorini volcano errupted, and the Bronze and Iron Ages. Along with many more recent events.