Thursday, March 20, 2008

Guest Speaker

On January 24, 2007 we had a guest speaker come into our class and talk about evolution as well as Darwins theorys.

She questioned if Darwins theory was correct or incorrect but truthfully all the evidence it too overwhelming.

The following evidence for evolution is:
Comparitive Anatomy
Molecular Bio
Fossil Record
Developmental Bio

Biogeography: the distribution of plants and animals where they are located and placed in the world.

Comparitive Anatomy: Common ancestory

Molecular: Human [homo][46 chromosomes], Chimpanzee [Pan][48 Chromosomes], Gorilla [Gorilla] [48 Chromosomes], and Orangutan [Pogo] [48 chromosomes]

Developmental: Often find the same gene in different animals. Lots of documentation.

Fossil Record: Shows the changes over time and what came first and so forth.